Publications Related to the UC  Croatia Project

These publications by Hammel and co-authors are relevant to the broad area of demographic history and the history of the family, household, and kinship in Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, and southeastern Europe in general.




Serbo-Croatian kinship terminology.  With an appendix on Albanian terms.  Papers of the Kroeber Anthropological Society 16:45-75.


Alternative social structures and ritual relations in the Balkans.  Englewood Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall.


The zadruga as process.  In Household and family in past time (Peter Laslett, ed.), pp. 335-73.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.


Comparing household structure over time and between cultures. (E. H. & Peter Laslett).  Comparative Studies in Society and History 16:73-109.


Preference and recall in Serbian cousinship:  Power and kinship ideology.  (E. H. and Charles Yarbrough.)  Journal of Anthropological Research 30:95-115.


Some mediaeval evidence on the Serbian zadruga:  a preliminary analysis of the chrysobulls of Decani.  In Communal families in the Balkans  (R. F. Byrnes, ed.), pp. 100-115.  University of Notre Dame Press, 1976.  Reprinted in Revue des études Sud-Est Européenes, XIV, No. 3 (Juillet-Septembre), pp. 449-463.


Reflections on the zadruga.  In Festschrift for Milovan Gavazzi, Ethnologia Slavica, VII:141-151.  Bratislava.


Statistical studies of historical social structure. (K. Wachter, E. H., and Peter Laslett.)  New York:  Academic Press.


Household structure in 14th century Macedonia.  Journal of Family History 5:242-73.


Sensitivity analysis of household structure in medieval Serbian censuses.  Historical Methods 13:105-118.


Odnosi medju etnografijom, etnologijom, povijesti i demografijom.  (Relationships between ethnography, ethnology, history and demography.)  Narodna Umjetnost (Zagreb) 21:77-85.  (Published 1986.)


The Yugoslav family in the modern world: adaptation to change. Journal of Family History 9:217-228.


Short term demographic fluctuations in the Croatian Military border of Austria, 1830-47.  European Journal of Demography 1:265-290.


The early decline of fertility in Slavonia.  Studia Ethnologica 2:143-162.  Zagreb.


Censored intervals in family reconstitution: a sensitivity test of alternative strategies with historical Croatian data.  In D. Reher and R. Schofield (eds.), Old and New Methods in Historical Demography, pp. 125-144.  International Studies in Demography. Oxford: Clarendon University Press


Statistical imputation in family reconstitution.  (With Beate Herrchen).  Proceedings of the IUSSP XXIInd International Population Conference, vol. 3 , pp. 245-258.  Montreal.


Economics 1: Culture 0.  Fertility change and differences in the northwest Balkans 1700-1900.  In S. Greenhalgh (ed), Rethinking reproduction: culture and political economy in demographic behavior, pp. 225-258.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Evaluating the Slavonian census of 1698. Part I : structure and meaning. (E. H. and  K. Wachter).  European Journal of Population 12:145-166.


Evaluating the Slavonian Census of 1698. Part II: a microsimulation test and extension of the evidence. (E. H. and K. Wachter).  European Journal of Population 12:295-326.


Kinship-based resource sharing in the agrarian economy of frontier Slavonia, 1698: evidence from an early census.  The History of the Family 1:407-423.(E. H. and H.-P. Kohler)


Vrednovanje slavonskog popisa stanovnistva iz 1698 godine.  Etnoloska tribina 19:109-150.


Utjecaj strukturalnih čimbenika na kratkoročne promjene mortaliteta u Hrvatskoj, Slavoniji I Srijemu u XVIII. i XIX. Stoljecu.  Narodna Umjetnost 34:109-136. (E.A.H. and P. Galloway).


Structural and behavioural changes in the short-term preventive check in the northwest Balkans in the 18th and 19th centuries. European Journal of Population 16:67-108. (E. H. and P. Galloway).


Structural factors affecting the short-term positive check in Croatia, Slavonia, and Srem in the 18th-19th century.  In Population and economy: from hunger to modern economic growth, pp. 227-248.  T. Bengtsson and O. Saito, eds.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.  (E.H. and P. Galloway)


On the role of families and kinship networks in pre-industrial agricultural societies: an analysis of the 1698 Slavonian census. Journal of Population Economics 14:21-49.  (Hans-Peter Kohler and E.H.)


Kinship Structures and Survival: Maternal Mortality on the Croatian-Bosnian Border 1750-1898. Population Studies. In press. (E.H. and A. Gullickson)


Maternal mortality as an indicator of levels and changes in the standard of living in 18th and 19th century Slavonia. In The quality of life in pre-industrial Europe, T. Bengtsson and M. Dribe, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In press. (E.H. and A. Gullickson)

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